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S.C. CYLEX TEHNOLOGIA INFORMATIEI INTERNATIONAL S.N.C.E-Mail: 0040 359-101-185Fax: 0040 259-471-392AddressS.C. CYLEX TEHNOLOGIA INFORMATIEI INTERNATIONAL S.N.C.Sat. Palota 119/ARO 417516 PalotaROMANIACEO: Francisc OsvaldCompany registration no.: J05/1591/2009 Oradea, Bihor (ROMANIA)VAT ID: RO26332771
Partner for sales of Premium Entries on the Cylex Business Directory UK
CYLEX DIENSTLEISTUNGS GmbH is the partner of S.C. CYLEX TEHNOLOGIA INFORMATIEI INTERNATIONAL S.N.C. and it is responsible for selling Premium Entries on the Cylex Business Directory UK.For questions, please use the address below:
CYLEX DIENSTLEISTUNGS GMBHE-Mail: dienstleistung@cylex.dePhone: 0208 62957-0Fax: 0208 62957-10AddressCYLEX Dienstleistungs GmbHPfälzer Straße 8146145 OberhausenDeutschlandCEOs: Peter Magin, Herbert KotowskiCompany registration no.: Nr. HRB 22050, Amtsgericht DuisburgVAT ID: DE815156863